30 January 2012

1,000 Cranes for Peace


Have you ever had a problem with someone because of the alcohol? Does alcohol affects you in a direct or indirect way?

Even if in this picture it seems that drugs are worst than alcohol, 'they are actually  the same'
(mostly because alcohol is also a drug...)
         Sometimes you have a friend or a relative who is overdriking everyday or gets drunk many times. It's always difficult when you met someone whose personality is great when he or she is not drunk, it's the kind of friend you like to have, and you discover a completely different person when he or she drinks in a party or, what is worst, starts driking everyday from the morning to the evening. Well, it could be funny if you're drunk too but, you know, we're under age and it's supposed that we shouldn't drink until we're 18 (Irony Mode: ON). Anyway, the thing is that it's not healthy for the person and you, another friends and family, should help him/her to stop drinking. How can we do that? you're asking right now (no, I'm not a mentalist or something). Here are some ideas, that you don't really need to follow because maybe yours are better but my imagination has limit.

       That's not to solve his/her problem, it's to help you. It can be (and normally is, skipping those people who don't give a damn about anything) a cause of fight and, believe me, a drunk friend is not a kind and funny person in a fight. Of course, if you want to broke your friendship with him/her, here you have the solution.

#2. Help him/her to stop driking.
       It's not difficult if you get help from proffesionals who know how to do that. Family and friends is always so important to help someone with it. For example, if you're in a bar, party and stuff with him/her, remember him/her not to ask for alcoholic drinks. He/she would say 'there's no problem, it's only one' or something like this, but even one can get him/her to get 'addicted' again. If he/she colaborates and really wants to quit from alcohol, it's not too difficult.

#3. If he/she doesn't colaborate, at least don't let him/her to do things shouldn't be done drunk.
      Try to do #2, but if the person doesn't want to quit from alcohol, let's quit him/her from activities that cannot be done when you're drunk. The most typical example: no car driving. Maybe if he/she undertand you cannot do many things when you're drunk, he/she will colaborate with tip #2.

And that's all. See you!

23 January 2012

Día de la Paz: La historia de Sadako Sasaki

A consecuencia del enfrentamiento entre Japón y Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el 6 de agosto de 1945 se lanzó contra Hiroshima una bomba nuclear americana. En pocos segundos, la ciudad quedó totalmente destruida y miles de personas murieron al instante.

Pero una niña, Sadako Sasaki, logró sobrevivir en los alrededores de la ciudad con tan solo 2 años. Años después, cuando tenía 11 años, empezó a enfermar. Se le hinchaba el cuello y le salían puntos morados en las piernas. Se le diagnosticó leucemia en febrero de 1955, provocada por la radiactividad de la zona desde el impacto de la bomba.

En agosto de 1955, Sadako recibió la visita de su mejor amigo, que le hizo una grulla de papel. Según una leyenda, si hacía 1.000 grullas de papel, los dioses le concederían un deseo. Sadako omenzó a hacer grullas de papel. Estuvo haciendo grullas de papel durante toda su estancia en el hospital, gracias a los papeles de regalos que les hacían a otros enfermos y a papeles que le traía su amigo de la escuela. Pero no consiguió llegar a las 1.000.

El 25 de octubre de ese mismo año Sadako Sasaki murió, con tan solo 644 grullas hechas. Sus amigos y familiares terminaron de hacer las grullas restantes y enterraron las 1.000 grullas junto a ella.